Understanding Sleep, Menopause and How We Plan to Fix It.

Understanding Sleep, Menopause and How We Plan to Fix It.

More than any other issue, I'm asked about sleep - from anxious sleeplessness to drenching hot flushes at night, to racing thoughts to the 3am catastrophising. Disturbed sleep is exhausting. It seeps into the following days making work and relationships far more challenging and decision making much harder. It makes tempers fray and motivation ebb away.

Sleep comprises REM and non-REM and during the night, these two phases follow a cycle repeating 3 to 5 times a night. Non-REM has three phases N1, N2 and N3. Each of these represents progressively deeper sleep. Interestingly the REM stage is longer with each cycle lasting from a few minutes in the first cycle and up to 30 minutes in the last.

During REM sleep, late in the first cycle, which occurs up to 90 minutes after you fall asleep, the brain is very active, it's when you dream most visually. During REM sleep signals are sent to the cerebral cortex which is where thinking, learning and organisation take place. Very cleverly, signals are also sent to the nervous system to close down movement to prevent you physically getting up during your dreams (sleep walkers suffer from a disturbance to this particular messaging system). In simple terms, REM is believed to be the time that the brain processes the day's events, stores memories and seeks to balance the mood. 

Non-REM sleep alters during the night. In the first stage (non-REM 1), as you fall asleep the breathing slows, heart rate decreases, brain activity calms and eye movements reduce but sleep is light. In non-REM 2 there is the same slowing down of bodily functions as in non- REM 1 plus the temperature of the body reduces. About half of the night is spent in non-REM 2. This is also the time when the brain releases rapid bursts of activity known as sleep spindles which are related to memory and learning and K complexes which help maintain sleep, consolidate memory and maintain neural pathways to keep the brain functioning well.

In non-REM 3, heartbeat, muscle activity, brain waves and breathing are at their slowest, this is deep sleep. Non-REM 3 is incredibly important because it is the time that the brain uses the least amount of energy but does the majority of repairs of tissue, muscle and bone, releases growth hormones and critically regulates other stress hormone release, memory function, glucose metabolism and immune system function.

If your sleep is consistently disturbed, these cycles become interrupted and over time, the body struggles to compensate, meaning that those vital repairing and consolidating functions are impaired. This impacts on the memory, mood, immune system and hormonal balance.

During the peri-menopause and the menopause sleep can be significantly affected. There are several changes that have direct consequences for preventing good, refreshing sleep. Declining oestrogen affects thermoregulation making the body react to temperature fluctuations that are part of the normal sleep cycle (non-REM) this causes the body to initiate heating/cooling processes - sweating and/or hot flushes. 

Hot flushes mean waking up hot, kicking off the covers and then becoming cold so pulling them back on again. This cycle of hot and cold, night after night is especially exhausting and interferes with the deep sleep cycle of repair and regeneration.

Additionally sleep is disturbed by lower oestrogen levels affecting the neurotransmitters controlling regulation of mood - so mood swings, periods of persistent low mood, and anxiety also affect the ability to get to sleep and once disturbed, to return to sleep.

These symptoms of anxiety, waking with a racing heart and feelings of panic are particularly distressing for many women. The 3am catastrophising is very real and surprisingly common, this is because at 3-4am the body begins to prepare for the day, so it raises its temperature, drops the level of Melatonin (the sleep hormone) and increases the level of Cortisol (a stress hormone). If you have had a disturbed night already, by 3am when these changes are happening, rather than gradually begin the waking cycle, you pop awake and then can't get back to sleep allowing anxious thoughts and sleeplessness to predominate.

Post menopause the circadian rhythm that controls sleep and wakefulness over a 24 hour period becomes weaker, meaning that women often lose their normal wake/sleep cycle. This can lead to wakeful nights and sleepy days. 

For us, understanding the processes associated with sleep has helped us to come up with a plan to help. I think what's needed is a several pronged approach - there isn't a one size fits all solution, instead we've made a series of products that sit together beautifully but which can be used individually or in various combinations to suit your individual needs.

Serene Sleep

This is an easily absorbed cream/balm containing Magnesium Chloride which is great for promoting restful sleep and soothing restless legs. To that we've added, in herb form, Hops which increase the activity of GABA receptors (which are neurotransmitters that help to reduce the activity of the nervous system) and Chamomile to reduce anxiety. Then we've used essential oils that promote sleep and reduce anxiety and stress - Chamomile, Vetiver, Sweet Marjoram, Bergamot and Vanilla. Finally we've included Homeopathic remedies that support rest and encourage calm - AAA, Melatonin, Passiflora, Avena sativa, Zinc, Mag phos and Valerian.

It's use is simple - apply a pea sized amount to the sole of each foot and massage in. There is all sorts of contradictory opinion on how to apply a product including Magnesium Chloride. The argument for the feet is that the skin is thinner, it's blood vessel rich and has plentiful sweat glands all of which aid absorption or so it seems. For my own part, whether this is correct or not, a foot massage just before bed is delightful.

In this product we've gone for an all encompassing action - it is a powerfully positive creation. It's about to undergo final tests and then we will be releasing it for sale from June 1st.

Serene Sleep Ritual Cacao

There is good evidence that a hot, milky drink before bed is good, it helps to relax the body, calm the mind and prepare for sleep. However, most hot drinks of the hot chocolate/horlicks variety are sugar laden and without any useful ingredients to promote and support sleep. So we turned to Ceremonial Cacao which is phenomenal. Unlike Cocoa which has had all the therapeutics stripped out, Ceremonial Cacao is minimally processed, it contains a high concentration of bioactive compounds such as antioxidants, flavonoids, and theobromine, all of which contribute to its calming, soothing action. 

To enhance this we added in 7 functional mushrooms - Lion's Mane, Reishi, Cordyceps, Chaga, Shiitake, Maitake, and Tremella all of which support sleep. Tremella also boosts collagen production. I'll write a separate blog just on functional mushrooms and how we are using them. Suffice to say they are an incredible addition to our work here and a game changer in this drink.

Finally I added in our own Roses, Chamomile and Milky Oat Tops that I whizzed into a powder. These plants are powerfully sedative and supportive.

To use, about an hour before bed, simply add a teaspoon and a half, or a little more of the blend to a pan and add the milk of your choice - it works as well with plant milk as cows milk. Whisk until everything is dissolved and the milk is hot enough, then sit down, relax and let the Cacao work its magic. 

I've been drinking it every night and love it. My sleep has improved immeasurably with this and the Serene Sleep. It's also heading out to testers this week and currently getting a full nutritional analysis so you know exactly what you're getting. It will also be available on June 1st. We'll be offering it in a wide mouthed glass bottle and sending out recyclable refill packets for replenishment.

Serene Sleep Soak

A bedtime bath is a wonderful relaxant so we've formulated a new bath salts to fit in with the other products making a beautiful trio based ritual. It contains a good amount of Epsom Salts for a boost of Magnesium and an essential oil blend that calms and relaxes. It is a really lovely, deep earthy scent, rich with Vetiver for its brilliant restful sleep action.

This product is also winging its way to our 55 testers any day now and will be available to buy on June 1st.

Menopause Tincture

If you need support with menopausal symptoms, including those affecting sleep and mood, taking the Menopause Tincture is a really good plan. It is formulated to be suitable for all women and it works beautifully and gently to reduce symptoms. It's available on the website here.

Calm & Tranquil Balm

Equally if you are feeling very anxious, the Calm & Tranquil Balm that we have been making for many years is a really good option. If you wake in the night feeling panicked, simply apply a little to the pulse points and temples and a little dot on your nose and it will help ease you back into sleep. You can buy it here.

In combination the Menopause Tincture and the Calm & Tranquil Balm work really well.

Therapy at the Apothecary

From March 28th I'll be offering Zoom consultations to create tailor made prescriptions - this includes Homeopathic remedies, Bush and Bach Flower Remedies, Tinctures and Teas. Each appointment is about an hour long and allows me to really understand what you need and work out how to offer it. The booking system will be up and running in the next few days. I can only see people on Fridays to start with. There will be 5 slots available every week.

Creating this ritual has felt incredibly important and sourcing the very best quality Ceremonial Cacao from Ecuador to add to what we can grow and wild harvest here has felt good. Sometimes we need to reach out to others for ingredients so we can achieve the very best quality product and this is one of those times and I'm really delighted with what we've managed to find.

I haven't referenced all the information in this blog post - there aren't enough hours in the day, but if you'd like more information on any part of it, do let me know and i'll send the links to you.



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I am currently using the
Menopause tincture which has helped me greatly. I am really looking forward to trying the above new products.

Karen Hutchison

I could not be more excited to be trialling these products . I would have dreamt about receiving them if only I could sleep !!!


So thrilled to see this and I know just how much care, love and attention to detail will have gone into these products. Thank you from a middle age lady who has finally found her tribe.

Suzy F

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