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Brazil - Caixa da Fruta

Brazil - Caixa da Fruta

Regular price £13.50 GBP
Regular price Sale price £13.50 GBP
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Tasting Notes

Plum, raisin, dark chocolate and almond butter

Cupping score - 83

Bean - Mixed

Altitude - 900 - 1100


Behind the Beans

This coffee from Tres Pontas is selected for its sweet and creamy hazelnut praline profile by the cupping team in the Cocatrel Direct Lab. 

All the coffees that are part of this blend are dried in static boxes. These are 1 m deep boxes with a capacity for 15,000 liters volume of cherry which equates to 25-30 bags of green coffee. The boxes have a vented grill at the bottom to allow for air to be circulated from below up through the drying coffee. There are two thermometers at different depths to ensure a safe temperature always below 40 degrees Celsius. They are referred to as static due to the coffee remaining still in the boxes and not being turned or rotated during drying. After it is dried, the coffee is then left to rest for approximately 1-2 weeks before being milled. This method has allowed the production of more fruity and prominent profiles from the usual profile we associate with Brazil natural coffee.


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