Wild Eve 500ml
Wild Eve 500ml
Wild Eve is a multiple award winning, satisfying, mood enhancing, complex, adult alcohol-free spirit. It’s organic, vegan, whole plant and utterly delicious, made sustainably in tiny batches of 30 bottles, by hand in Harris, Scotland almost entirely from plants we grow and wild harvest. There is nothing like it anywhere...
Opening with citrus brightness, moving into a floral, tannin rich body with notes of Chamomile, Rose and Honeysuckle, finishing with earthy, smokey, peppery notes and a nip of the sea.
Treat Wild Eve just like a spirit, serve it neat on the rocks with a twist of pink grapefruit for an intense hit of Harris botanicals or with a splash of soda or, for the lightest of summer drinks a dash of sparkling water and a sprig of Mint.
At 20 calories for a 25ml serving of Wild Eve, it’s light enough to enjoy every day
Wild Eve, unlike alcohol, has a shelf life - it will last at least a year without opening it, but once open, it's best to keep it in the fridge if possible and drink it within 3 months.
Ingredients: Harris Water, Organic Raw Cane Sugar, Citric Acid, Sloes, Harris Roses, Oats, Ashwaganda, Grapefruit Peel, Sugar Kelp, Juniper Berries, Chipotle CHILLIS, bitters, herbs, spices, Potassium Sorbate.
Nutritional info per 25ml serve: 20 calories, carbs 5, Fructose 2.1, Glucose 2.3, sucrose 0.025
Fantastic addition to sparking water or any cocktail - alcoholic or otherwise.
I first tired this when I was at The Kitchin in Leith, Edinburgh. I knew that I was going to get my hands on a bottle when I tired it. Really delicious with soda water or tonic. Will order again. :-)
Lovely flavour and really nice to help me feel included in summer gathering where I don’t want to drink but want to have soemthing ncie to drink
Great drink, great alcohol-free alternative
So lovely